InILLUMINATIONby🦋 Marie A. RebelleA Personal Tribute To All Lives LostMore about my newest series — Shadows of Mayday — the story of lives which ended when a plane crashedMar 1, 202314Mar 1, 202314
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleScary Seconds, Then A Quiet NothingShadows Of Mayday #1: Prologue: Lives thrown together on a plane, all end in the nothingness of the desertFeb 5, 202319Feb 5, 202319
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleA Cup Of Tea To Help Her ThinkShadows Of Mayday #2: Cathy #1: Daughter of wealthy parents, she needs more from life to be happyFeb 12, 202318Feb 12, 202318
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleExcited And Ready For Her TripShadows Of Mayday #3: Cathy #2: She checks in at the airport and gets ready to boardFeb 19, 202318Feb 19, 202318
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleImages Of Them In Her MindShadows Of Mayday #4: Cathy #3: During the first airborne moments, Cathy remembers their last online chatFeb 26, 20236Feb 26, 20236
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThey Needed Each Other All The TimeShadows Of Mayday #5: Brian and Sylvia #1: This new couple could barely keep their hands off each otherMar 5, 202314Mar 5, 202314
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleTaking The Risk Of Touching Their BodiesShadows Of Mayday #6: Brian and Sylvia #2: They can’t keep their hands off each otherMar 12, 202316Mar 12, 202316
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleA Secret Rendezvous Of Their FleshShadows Of Mayday #7: Anthony #1: Despite his loyalty to his marriage, he cannot keep his hands off CassidyMar 19, 202311Mar 19, 202311
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebellePrecious Time To Savor Their BodiesShadows Of Mayday #8: Anthony #2: Together in London, they filled their days with intimacy and sight seeingMar 26, 202314Mar 26, 202314
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleShe Finally Caught His AttentionShadows Of Mayday #9: Harriet and Angie #1: Angie enjoyed the young man’s attention — until she didn’tApr 2, 202311Apr 2, 202311
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleNot Sharing Their Personal StoriesShadows Of Mayday #10: Harriet and Angie #2: Angie pours herself into her studies while Harriet also has a secretApr 9, 20236Apr 9, 20236
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleClose Friends Keeping Their SecretsShadows Of Mayday #11: Harriet and Angie #3: They boarded the plane, both thinking of the one thing they didn’t talk aboutApr 16, 20233Apr 16, 20233
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleAdding Kink To Their Long-Term MarriageShadows Of Mayday #12: Edward and Nora #1: Married for many years, they followed their natural personalitiesApr 23, 20239Apr 23, 20239
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleAn Auction To Sell Their SubjectsShadows Of Mayday #13: Edward and Nora #2: Excitement had the overhand while she waited to be auctionedApr 30, 20238Apr 30, 20238
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Meeting Of Like-Minded CouplesShadows Of Mayday #14: Edward and Nora #3: A similar couple to them invited them to visit their farm down southMay 7, 20234May 7, 20234
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Unfolding Of A Gruesome SceneShadows Of Mayday #15: Recovering the victims #1: Emergency teams arrived and the salvaging of victims startedMay 14, 20235May 14, 20235
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThen The Military Rushed In To HelpShadows Of Mayday #16: Recovering the victims #2: Teams worked to salvage the victims and secure the sceneMay 21, 20234May 21, 20234
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleA Cup Of Tea To Silence The Nervous ButterfliesShadows Of Mayday #17: Joe and Mattie #1: Neither of them could deny the sparkMay 28, 20238May 28, 20238
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Time Of Their Lives Slowly Runs OutShadows Of Mayday #18: Joe and Mattie #2: Neither of them wanted to wait to tell the other about their feelingsJun 4, 202315Jun 4, 202315
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleLove And Happiness Surround The Aging CoupleShadows Of Mayday #19: Joe and Mattie #3: Nothing could make them happier than seeing their children happy for themJun 11, 20239Jun 11, 20239