InHobbies & Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Heart of a FlowerAbout flowers and hearts in images and quotesFeb 1722Feb 1722
InHobbies & Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleFrom Spooky to Sparkly with Pre-Printed PicturesBullet journal designs for October to December 2024Jan 925Jan 925
InNot the Median Logby🦋 Marie A. RebelleCreativity is the start of faking mistakesWhen art meets ‘oops’ in the best way.Jan 719Jan 719
InHobbies & Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleChampions in Bloom and MemoryA tribute to my mother’s love and care for this elegant flower, the anthurium white championNov 22, 202416Nov 22, 202416
InHobbies & Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleInspiration: How My Daughter’s Curiosity Lights the WayBlessed with talent, she keeps on inspiring meOct 18, 202423Oct 18, 202423
InHobbies & Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Inspirational Power Of ChangeI like to change, otherwise my hobby might become boring — designs from my bullet journal for July, August and September.Oct 8, 202428Oct 8, 202428
InHobbies & Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleHow I Make Drawing Easier And Save Valuable TimeDespite being able to draw, I sometimes struggled to get the ratio just rightSep 20, 202428Sep 20, 202428
InThe Pubby🦋 Marie A. RebelleFloral, Feathered, And Feline: It’s Time To Focus On SpringSharing designs from my bullet journal for April, May and JuneJul 8, 202431Jul 8, 202431
InWrite Under the Moonby🦋 Marie A. RebelleFinding Those Moments Of PeaceMy focus for 2024 is to be grounded, and I use my journal as support to achieve just thatApr 15, 202427Apr 15, 202427
InWrite Under the Moonby🦋 Marie A. RebelleScotland and Flowers, Gingham and ChristmasSharing designs, and how the way I manage my bullet journal keeps evolvingDec 29, 202325Dec 29, 202325
InDead or Aliveby🦋 Marie A. RebelleFocus On The Guiding Light And Sweet Summer FruitsBullet journaling is more than just keeping track of your appointments and tasks — sharing my creations for July and August 2023Sep 8, 202322Sep 8, 202322
InDead or Aliveby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Internet Is a Gold Mine for Finding Scrapbook PicturesWhy spend money when you can download images for free?Jul 12, 20238Jul 12, 20238
InILLUMINATIONby🦋 Marie A. RebelleChildhood Doodles Repeated In Adult YearsCreativity in writing and images for March & April 2023May 11, 20234May 11, 20234
InILLUMINATIONby🦋 Marie A. RebelleTwo Months Into My Second Year Of JournalingI took a risk when I changed my ways, but am loving the resultMar 22, 20238Mar 22, 20238
InReciprocalby🦋 Marie A. RebelleSharing The Last Two Months, And A Shift Of MindsetNovember and December 2022 were the last two months of my first year of bullet journalingJan 6, 20238Jan 6, 20238
InILLUMINATIONby🦋 Marie A. RebelleRethinking The Process Of Weekly Bullet JournalingFrom planning to creativity to journaling — evolving my bullet journalDec 23, 20227Dec 23, 20227
InReciprocalby🦋 Marie A. RebelleMonths Of Colorful Fungi And Scary HalloweenSharing images and more from my bullet journal for September and October 2022Nov 8, 202212Nov 8, 202212
InReciprocalby🦋 Marie A. RebelleFrom Photography To ButterfliesSharing images and more from July and August 2022 in my bullet journalSep 5, 202210Sep 5, 202210
InCounter Artsby🦋 Marie A. RebelleMindfulness While Coloring SunflowersWhat I created in my bullet journal in May and JuneJul 5, 20225Jul 5, 20225
InCreative Passions 💖by🦋 Marie A. RebelleBullet Journal: March & AprilWinter turned to spring, making the light of the days influencing my creativityMay 2, 20228May 2, 20228