InRebel’s Notesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThose Teenage Years Of Naughty ExplorationIn the 80s, it was clear what boys wanted from girls, and what girls wanted from boys.8h ago58h ago5
InKnow Thyself, Heal Thyselfby🦋 Marie A. RebelleYou Took Care Of Me, I Will Do The Same For YouWe laugh, we talk, we are quiet together, and we lean on each other when needed.6d ago116d ago11
InCatharsis Chroniclesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleFifty-Eight Things About Me, Myself And IToday on 25 February 2025, I celebrate my 58th birthday…Feb 2529Feb 2529
InModern Womenby🦋 Marie A. RebelleIn The Name Of Sanity And Self-CareWhy do I feel like I'm doing something wrong when I treat myself to things that promote my wellbeing?Nov 27, 202431Nov 27, 202431
InKnow Thyself, Heal Thyselfby🦋 Marie A. RebelleWhen Did My Childhood End?One question took me down a rabbit hole of memories…Nov 25, 202434Nov 25, 202434
InCatharsis Chroniclesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleLest We ForgetA solemn reminder of the freedoms gained through the ultimate sacrifices of those who served in war.Nov 11, 202423Nov 11, 202423
InCatharsis Chroniclesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleNineteen Things After Nineteen YearsSharing memories & more to celebrate our time togetherNov 1, 202440Nov 1, 202440
InThe Pubby🦋 Marie A. RebellePheromones! Fact Or Fiction?Synthetic pheromones imitate natural pheromones, allowing animals and humans to communicate through scent.Oct 11, 202423Oct 11, 202423
InTales of Blueby🦋 Marie A. RebelleOnce Married To A Man, Now Living With A WomanThere is power in falling in love with another person for who they are…Sep 26, 202422Sep 26, 202422
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleTransgression in Film: James Spader’s Bold PerformancesI’m a huge fan of his work, and in these two movies, the actor plays two controversial rolesAug 14, 202419Aug 14, 202419
InLipstick and Powderby🦋 Marie A. RebelleMy Years of Pointed Toes and GraceI have never lost my passion for gymnastics, even though it’s been many years since I was a gymnastAug 12, 202432Aug 12, 202432
InKnow Thyself, Heal Thyselfby🦋 Marie A. RebelleFrom The Heart: Why I Had To Shatter My DreamWritten for the KTHT prompt: Write about big hopes shattered by epiphaniesJul 13, 202433Jul 13, 202433
InMiddle-Pauseby🦋 Marie A. RebelleWisdom And Experience: Finding Joy In The Lines Of LifeI’m in love with wrinkles, even my own!Jun 12, 202433Jun 12, 202433
InThe Parenting Portalby🦋 Marie A. RebelleLittle Kids, Little Worries… Big Children, Big WorriesWhen children leave the nest, it doesn’t mean a parent stops caringMay 15, 202428May 15, 202428
InMmm Mondays — Life Mattersby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Spanish Actor, Jose Coronado, Led Me To Duolingo!The shaky translations in subtitles of English series made me wonder about their Spanish counterparts.May 1, 202425May 1, 202425
InDead or Aliveby🦋 Marie A. RebelleDas Südwesterlied, The Unofficial Anthem Of NamibiaWhen I hear this song by Heino and see the video clip, memories come flooding backApr 29, 202416Apr 29, 202416
InModern Womenby🦋 Marie A. RebelleRemembering The Musical Tears Of YesteryearWhen I read through the April prompt of Modern Women, so many thoughts rushed through my mind.Apr 26, 202433Apr 26, 202433
InWrite Under the Moonby🦋 Marie A. RebelleCurl Care Confessions: The Method That Transformed My LocksA whole new moment opened up when I discovered the CG methodApr 24, 202421Apr 24, 202421
InThe Taoist Onlineby🦋 Marie A. RebelleWhen Did I Become One Of The Old People?When we are healthy, we feel younger, or maybe it’s feeling younger that makes us healthy…Apr 18, 202432Apr 18, 202432
InThe Taoist Onlineby🦋 Marie A. RebelleConfronted With Death, Thoughts Of Life PrevailDon’t worry about tomorrow — it might never comeApr 12, 202427Apr 12, 202427