InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleDom’s PlaceDom’s Place #1 — Dom and Mattie had a dream, but only Dom lived itApr 28, 20228Apr 28, 20228
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleA Tame FirstDom’s Place #2 — It was one way for him to get back in the gameMay 5, 20227May 5, 20227
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebellePublic PunishmentDom’s Place #3 — She requested a hard caning, and she got it.May 12, 20227May 12, 20227
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebellePaddling RobinDom’s Place #4 — She was as much in charge as Dom wasMay 19, 20224May 19, 20224
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleTortured Peaks Of FleshDom’s Place #5 — Stretching her nipples increased the pain, and the desireMay 26, 20224May 26, 20224
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleLittle AnnaDom’s Place #6 — She wanted a ‘simple’ session, enjoyable to them bothJun 2, 20222Jun 2, 20222
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleDemands Using Back EntranceDom’s Place #7 — Her bottom hurting, she begged him to push his hand insideJun 9, 20222Jun 9, 20222
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleHer First Multi-SessionDom’s Place #8 — She wanted more than one man, and that was what she gotJun 16, 20225Jun 16, 20225
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleDouble DominanceDom’s Place #9 — A surprise awaited them during their duo sessionJun 23, 20223Jun 23, 20223
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe MaidDom’s Place #10 — What to do when there’s no more champagne to serve?Jun 30, 20221Jun 30, 20221
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleSizzling SessionDom’s Place #11 — Celine needed a release, and Dom had just what she neededJul 7, 20226Jul 7, 20226
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleWater GamesDom’s Place #12 — They all had fun directing a water jet at their tender bitsJul 14, 20224Jul 14, 20224
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe PunishmentDom’s Place #13 — An old gymnastics vault made a good spanking benchJul 21, 20223Jul 21, 20223
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleWhip ’n WandDom’s Place #14 — Joan gave Dom carte blanche with their sessionsJul 28, 20224Jul 28, 20224
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleBristled ClimaxDom’s Place #15 — While not submissive, Sheila enjoyed it when Dom took the leadAug 4, 20224Aug 4, 20224
InRedemptionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe ConferenceDom’s Place #16 — Attending a business conference, Dom met two ladies who showed interest in BDSMAug 11, 20226Aug 11, 20226