InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Diary of a Giant Cyst #7Seven weeks after the surgery, and I’m looking back at the bumpy ride that it’s been4d ago194d ago19
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Diary of a Giant Cyst #6They finally took that thing out of me, and what an experience it was… and still is!Jan 3124Jan 3124
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Diary of a Giant Cyst #5Some words I didn’t want to hear came into play…Jan 2417Jan 2417
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Diary of a Giant Cyst #4The second appointment with the gynecologist, and a tentative date for the operationJan 1714Jan 1714
InTeaser Talesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleOperation: The Removal of a GiantIt’s almost time for admission to go look for my hospital bed…Jan 1321Jan 1321
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Diary of a Giant Cyst #3Worried about kidney values, feeling the cyst and the first appointment with the gynecologistJan 1022Jan 1022
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Diary of a Giant Cyst #2Trying to make sense of something that felt so unreal and working through my emotionsJan 319Jan 319
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Diary of a Giant Cyst #1Advocating for myself, I asked for a referral and the doctor sent me for an ultrasound, which had an unexpected outcomeDec 27, 202423Dec 27, 202423
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleA Personal Battle With Fructose And BeyondWe all know fruit is healthy, but what if it makes you sick?Nov 29, 202422Nov 29, 202422
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleI Love My Husband, But Some Nights I Want To Murder HimAn honest look at how small sounds can become monumental challenges for those with misophonia.Nov 15, 202435Nov 15, 202435
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleFacing My Fears In The Belly Of The MachineDespite my anxiety, I embrace the fear and went for the procedureOct 30, 202424Oct 30, 202424
InCocktail Clubby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Patient’s Voice: Healing Through StorytellingSharing your experience might help someone else going through the sameOct 9, 202418Oct 9, 202418
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleHearing Disorders: Phonophobia And HyperacusisI hope the list of ear-related ailments doesn’t get longer…Oct 4, 202420Oct 4, 202420
InMiddle-Pauseby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Crucial Role Of Population Screenings For Diverse Forms Of CancerThe older we get, the more chance we have of developing a serious disease — prevention is better than cure!Mar 2, 202439Mar 2, 202439
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThree Migraine Attacks In Nine DaysA day of absolute euphoria followed eleven days of too much pain in my headSep 25, 202419Sep 25, 202419
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleWrite for The Patient’s VoiceThe home for all your stories about navigating the medical maze — share your stories to help others (Last update: 07.09.2024)Feb 1431Feb 1431
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleTinnitus: The Unusual Morse Code Of Ringing EarsThe persistent intermittent beeping made me joke some outer space creatures wanted to communicateSep 16, 202419Sep 16, 202419
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleMenstruation And Menopause — A Personal HistoryBecause of a hysterectomy, I couldn’t use changes in my menstruation as a signal for the start of menopauseMay 3, 202314May 3, 202314
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleComplaints Which Might Signify The Last Throes Of The MenopauseNo uterus, but you still have your ovaries… how do you know when you’re in menopause?Mar 22, 202424Mar 22, 202424
InThe Patient’s Voiceby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThose Frustrating Words: Take Better Care Of YourselfWhen a health care professional utters something which makes you doubt yourself (a bit of a rant).Apr 17, 202427Apr 17, 202427