InTantalizing Talesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleLip Service, Who Pays Who?Sometimes what you want is not what you really needMar 312Mar 312
InCatharsis Chroniclesby🦋 Marie A. RebellePachelbel’s Canon in D, The EndAnything was better than looking at the coffin…Feb 2023Feb 2023
InMicrocosmby🦋 Marie A. RebelleI Kissed A Girl And I Liked ItInspired by a song, the company of a dear friend and the sweet taste of teaFeb 1413Feb 1413
InTantalizing Talesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleDeck the Halls with ObsessionFor Beverly, Christmas isn’t just a season; it’s a way of life — one Ben can never escape.Dec 20, 202419Dec 20, 202419
InTales of Blueby🦋 Marie A. RebelleWhispers Of The Living LightDarkness descended as the last candle died, prompting her to find her path.Dec 7, 202412Dec 7, 202412
InShort and Weirdby🦋 Marie A. RebelleMistress of MalfunctionIn the world of smart homes, be careful what you ask for…Nov 20, 202421Nov 20, 202421
InTales of Blueby🦋 Marie A. RebelleEchoes Of The Hungry TideIn the silent tunnels beneath a shattered city, she finds hope… but survival has its price.Nov 8, 202421Nov 8, 202421
InTantalizing Talesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Heartbeat of Hallows EveShe was an unusual woman, one whom everyone ignored, until they needed pumpkins for Halloween decorationsOct 28, 202421Oct 28, 202421
InMicrocosmby🦋 Marie A. RebelleEchoes Of A Promised RevolutionHis repeated promises are building blocks for her rebellionOct 14, 202424Oct 14, 202424
InMicrocosmby🦋 Marie A. RebelleTo Love Is A ChoiceWhen the quest for perfection ends, happiness comes knocking on the doorSep 6, 202422Sep 6, 202422
InMicrocosmby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Healing Power of the OceanThe waves pulled her towards them, lured her into the coldAug 9, 202420Aug 9, 202420
InTantalizing Talesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleThe Playful PursuitEven though it’s her job as a playgirl to approach men, this one made her nervousMay 31, 202419May 31, 202419
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleTales & Tidbits #6The middle-aged model’s story continues, and a call to support your editors.Mar 27, 202413Mar 27, 202413
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleTales & Tidbits #5Respect editors of publications by polishing your stories… find that and more here.Dec 26, 202314Dec 26, 202314
InSerial Storiesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleTales & Tidbits #4Whatever your craft, it’s hard work to reach and keep up quality — find this and more here!Sep 26, 202313Sep 26, 202313
InTeaser Talesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleMissing Squares Of Paper Boggled Her MindNewsletter #1: When numbers and statistics don’t add up, the solution might be quite unexpectedDec 27, 202215Dec 27, 202215
InTantalizing Talesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleSolace In A Mug Of Hot ChocolateContent notice: mentions of miscarriage, suicide and grief — a story of loveMay 8, 202416May 8, 202416
InTantalizing Talesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleDouble Take: The Doctor’s DilemmaThey had both been looking forward to fulfilling their fantasyApr 1, 202424Apr 1, 202424
InTantalizing Talesby🦋 Marie A. RebelleTonight She Was His GirlfriendHe wanted to feel special and loved and cared for…Feb 28, 202418Feb 28, 202418
InPure Fictionby🦋 Marie A. RebelleHer Walk To FreedomEvery step brought back a distinct memory of her failed marriageFeb 5, 202414Feb 5, 202414